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Cornell University

Critical Infrastructure Systems Lab

Connecting climate, water, and energy



Stefano Galelli
Associate Professor
PhD, Politecnico di Milano
Email | Homepage | ResearchGate | Google Scholar

Research staff

Hisham Eldardiry
Postdoctoral Research Associate
PhD, University of Washington
Email | Homepage | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | GitHub

Shanti Shwarup Mahto
Postdoctoral Research Associate
PhD, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
Email | Homepage | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | GitHub
Based in Singapore

PhD students

Phumthep Bunnak
BSc, Georgia Institute of Technology
MSc, University College London
Email | Homepage | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | GitHub

Jerry Zhuoer Feng
BSc, Singapore University of Technology and Design
Email | Homepage | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | GitHub

Undergraduate researchers

Maoz Bizan
BSc in Environmental Engineering
Email | Homepage


Research staff

Andres Felipe Murillo
> Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2020-2023)
Senior Researcher at Fujitsu Research Europe

Thanh Duc Dang
> Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2018-2021)
Water Quality Modeller at the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, New Zealand

Kamal Chowdhury
> Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2018-2020)
Research Associate at the University of Maryland

Debasish Pal
> Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2016-2019)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Oulu

Riccardo Taormina
> Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2015-2019)
Assistant Professor at TU Delft

Xin Tian
> Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2015-2017)
Data Analyst at KWR Water Research Institute

Sean Turner
> Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2014-2016)
Hydropower Engineer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Gulsah Karakaya
> Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2014)
Assistant Professor at Middle East Technical University

Graduate students

Dung Vu Trung
> PhD student (2018-2023)
PostDoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Tokyo

Rachel Koh
> PhD student (2018-2023)
Research Scientist at the Singapore Centre for Climate Research

Jia Yi Ng
> PhD student (2016-2020)
PKU-IIASA Postdoctoral Fellow

Hung Nguyen
> PhD student (2016-2020)
Assistant Professor at The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Hunter Douglas
> MSc student (2016-2017)
PhD student at Victoria University of Wellington