Interviews and opinion pieces
- New power plans could change the tide, 360info
- How hydropower dams can help ASEAN fight climate change, Explainer for Channel News Asia
- How will El Niño affect businesses?, Radio interview with Money FM 89.3
- Managing water in a warming planet, #WeAreSUTD
- SUTD Visual Research – Urban Floods, #WeAreSUTD
- Before disaster strikes, #WeAreSUTD
Research highlights
- China’s bid to decarbonize may have hidden costs, Cornell Chronicle
- Po river drought in 2022 was the worst of the last two centuries, Nature Italy
- Tree Rings Reveal Historical Rainfall Patterns, Asian Scientist Magazine
- Cooperation among hydropower producers could hold the answer to reviving the mighty Mekong, phys.org
- Rethinking Southeast Asia’s energy plans, Tech Xplore
- Study reveals how big droughts in the Greater Mekong region increase CO2 emissions, AZO Life Sciences
- Revealing Eight Centuries of Asia’s River Patterns, Asian Scientist
- Largest study of Asia’s rivers may help predict changes in region’s water cycle, Tribune India
Research highlights (in Italian)
- Un danno all’ambiente, nel nome dell’ambiente: la transizione energetica cinese si riversa sui fiumi, Domani
- I dati lo confermano: la siccità del Po nel 2022 è stata la peggiore da 200 anni, La Repubblica, LA STAMPA
- La crisi del Po diventa la “prova” del clima che cambia, il Fatto Quotidiano
- La secca del Po del 2022 è stata la peggiore mai registrata, le Scienze