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Cornell University

Critical Infrastructure Systems Lab

Connecting climate, water, and energy


PhD position in large-scale Hydrological Modeling

The project: The advertised position is supported by a recently-funded NSF project (“Hydrologic process inference in large-scale models under human impacts”) that will advance our ability to study hydrologic processes in river basins that are heavily affected by dam operations. In particular, the project aims to (1) characterize the structural uncertainty associated with the choice of dam operation models, (2) explain how this uncertainty propagates to the parameterization of large-scale hydrologic models, (3) quantify the impact of this uncertainty on the simulation of hydrologic processes, and (4) generalize practical modelling guidelines. The project is carried out in collaboration with Dr. Jonathan Herman (UC Davis).

Qualifications: Applicants must hold a Bachelors and/or Masters degree in Civil/Environmental Engineering, Environmental Science, or Applied Mathematics, with a good academic background in hydrology and/or water management. Research experience with hydrological models and Geographical Information Systems will be positively evaluated. A proficient command of oral/written English is essential.

Terms of appointment: The scholarship includes full tuition fees and a competitive compensation. Selected candidates with an outstanding academic profile may be eligible for additional funding support.

Applications should be submitted online, following the guidelines provided in our Grad School website.

PostDoc position (at UC Davis)

For the aforementioned NSF project (“Hydrologic process inference in large-scale models under human impacts”), we are also seeking for a Postdoctoral Research Associate. This position is offered by The Civil and Environmental Engineering Department (CEE) at the University of California, Davis. This is a two-year position beginning Winter or Summer 2025.

To apply, contact Dr. Jonathan Herman for more information. Candidates should send a full CV, 1- 2 relevant publications, and contact information for three references. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and the position will remain open until filled.

PostDoctoral Fellowships

PhD Fellowships

General Mobility

Interested in spending some time with us at Cornell? Then a Fullbright fellowship could be the right opportunity, as it supports scholars at various stages of their career (PhD students, PostDocs, and Faculty). Check out the specific agreements between your country and the US; there are many! Examples include Italy, the EU, Singapore, and India.